About MMBA

About the MIT Minority Business Association:

On January 17, 2009, the constitution of the MIT Minority MBA Association was created by nine founders wishing to build an organization with the goal of inspiring and promoting professionalism in the minority community at MIT.

The founders wish to show each member a journey through a year of affiliation with this organization: during the Fall semester, the focus is on career preparation while the Spring semester’s focus is on skill development, networking, and mentorship.


To become a member of MMBA, pay $10 and email your resume to any member of the executive board

Benefits of membership:
  • Free access to all MMBA events
  • Opportunity to be involved with mentorship program
  • Access to company representatives contact information 
  • Entry into a resume book to be given to company representatives 
  • Opportunity to meet alumni during Spring New York City trip

Email: mmba-exec@mit.edu
Website: http://mit.edu/mmba/www/